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Liquid eggs


Types of egg masses

liquid egg (whole)
egg white
bespoke liquid egg

(options: sugar, salt, or other ingredients on request)

Conversion rate

  • 1 kg of liquid egg contains 20–23 chicken eggs, depending on the size of the eggs
  • 1 kg of liquid egg yolk contains 56–60 egg yolks
  • 1 kg of liquid egg white contains 41–45 egg whites
  • Storage conditions: 0–4°C


For our liquid egg products, we use aseptic bag-in-box type packaging. The bag-in-box system is a very versatile technology utilising a barrier film that minimises the ability of gasses to penetrate the bag, extending the product life and freshness without adding preservatives. Our liquid egg products packaged in bag-in-box containers maintain their nutritional value and quality parameters.

  • Bag volumes: 5 kg / 10 kg / 20 kg
  • plastic paletobox-type packaging – up to 1,000 kg
  • cylindrical stainless steel tanks – 800–1,000 kg
road tankers

• OVAL also delivers egg masses in tanker trucks with a loading capacity ranging from 16 to 25 tons.


  • Breaking eggs

    The breaking of eggs is performed with the use of state-of-the-art machines. These open eggshells by means of special knives. The content of the eggs may be subject to the process of separating the yolk from white or being processed without separation.

  • Filtering

    The mass obtained is subject to the filtration process, due to which the remains of eggshells are removed from it. The filtration is performed in automatic filters equipped with sieves that have a minimum mesh size, which guarantees the thorough removal of all remains.

  • Homogenisation – making the product uniform

    The filtered product undergoes a homogenisation process, which results in a uniform mixture consisting of ingredients that do not mix under normal conditions, i.e. the yolks and whites. We apply two types of homogenisation – pressure and cavitation. Uniform structure and consistency obtained during the homogenisation process helps to perfectly combine the egg mass with other ingredients.

  • Pasteurisation

    All types of masses are subject to the pasteurisation process. It consists of the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms that can occur in eggs, by means of using an appropriately chosen temperature of heating for a very short time. It allows the flavour of products to be maintained, and avoids a reduction in their nutritional values. The pasteurisation process protects the consumer against being infected with bacteria (mainly Salmonella) and increases the shelf life of the product.

Sponge biscuits


Making the batter is a key part of the process, so we pay special attention to it. While producing our biscuits, we pay special attention to the technological process of making dough. Sponge biscuits use the egg masses from our own hen egg production on our farms. The high and constant quality of sponge biscuits results from the suitable aeration of dough, appropriate intensity of kneading and proper baking temperature. The qualified staff supervise and monitor the entire production process.


We pack our biscuits on an automatic line for OPP bags, the packages weighing:

120 g
150 g
250 g
500 g


We also produce sponge biscuits under the customers’ own labels. They may be packed in bags carrying a graphic design delivered by the ordering party, or with a design ordered by OVAL at the request and approval of the customer.

They may be packed in bags carrying a graphic design delivered by the ordering party, or with a design ordered by OVAL at the request and approval of the customer.


The farm consists of two production buildings, each with a total capacity of 66,840 hens. Our flocks come from our own brooder, so that we can ensure their good health.
Our production facilities are equipped with TECNO cages, which meet the latest EU requirements, as well as technological systems to ensure the highest effectiveness of the flock.
The production process involves automatic feed dispensing and egg collection, the latter then being transported to the sorting plant via the central conveyor line. We have a qualified team to sustain the safety of the flock, the reliability of our production processes, as well as the maintenance of proper hygiene. Our hens are under constant veterinary supervision, and our high-quality feed ensures an optimised diet.

Our egg sorting plant is fully automated. The eggs move from the coops to the sorting plant with the aid of an ANACONDA-type central conveyor belt.

The sorting plant is equipped with a MOBA technological line, which allows eggs to be marked, division into weight classes and their automatic packaging into unit or collective packaging.

To ensure the full potential of our flock, we have our own laying hen brooder. The facility has a capacity of 70,000, with cutting-edge systems to monitor constantly the feed and water distribution. The microclimate control system ensures appropriate air conditions. We want to ensure the best possible health and conditions for our hens, which means that the experience and skill of our team, as well as the professional veterinary and zootechnical care and supervision, are of utmost importance to us.



Our eggs are available in all weight classes (S, M, L and XL), for both consumption and further processing.


Our eggs are sold in retail and bulk packaging, such as:

  • papier-mâché retail packaging, for 6 or 10 eggs
  • papier-mâché egg transport boxes, for 30 eggs
  • cartons
  • Euro-pallets
  • other choices on request.
  • With the aim of protecting the environment, we have stopped using plastic egg packaging.


You can take advantage of our professional transport service, collect the products yourself or organise other transport.

In our vehicle park, we have trucks with a loading capacity of between 8 and 16 pallet places.

All our vehicles are isothermal designs, where in accordance with the principles of HACCP they are equipped with cooling units able to record the temperatures
of the products during transport (in graphical and digital form). It guarantees optimum conditions for the transportation of products, irrespective of distance and weather conditions.

In addition, for special circumstances, we utilise the services of trusted companies.